How many basic common sense do you have in autumn furniture maintenance?
column:Company news Published on:2022-09-14
It is very necessary to maintain the furniture when decorating in autumn. If the furniture is well maintained, it is not easy for the furniture to be worn out. At the same time, the glossiness of the

It is very necessary to maintain the furniture when decorating in autumn. If the furniture is well maintained, it is not easy for the furniture to be worn out. At the same time, the glossiness of the furniture can also be maintained well, just like the new one, and it can also show a better decoration effect. So, how to maintain the furniture when decorating in autumn? How many basic common sense do you have in autumn furniture maintenance?

1、 Maintenance of wooden furniture

When decorating and maintaining furniture in autumn, wooden furniture is the key maintenance object for two reasons. The first reason is that many families now choose wooden furniture when they buy furniture. Wooden furniture accounts for a large part of the furniture. If wooden furniture is not well maintained, it will affect the beauty of the whole home environment. The second reason is that wooden furniture maintenance requires certain skills and can't be wiped casually, Therefore, before maintenance, we must learn the maintenance skills of wood furniture with autumn decoration knowledge. Wood is afraid of water, so it is not allowed to use wet rags to wipe wood furniture every day when maintaining it, otherwise it is easy to cause wood furniture to become damp and moldy. You can use seven or eight minutes wet rags to wipe it gently from time to time. In the maintenance of wooden furniture, in addition to basic cleaning, regular waxing is also necessary, which can increase luster and make it more beautiful.

2、 Maintenance of composite furniture

Composite furniture should be easy to maintain, so there are not too many taboos when repairing composite furniture in autumn. For the dry dirt on composite furniture, you can wipe it directly with a wet rag. If the composite furniture is stained with oily dirt or other dirt that is difficult to wipe off with water, the maintenance method is also easy. Spray the special detergent for furniture on the composite furniture, After the oily dirt or other dirt is dissolved, wipe off the decomposed dirt with a rag. According to the introduction of composite furniture maintenance skills of autumn decoration knowledge, the maintenance of composite furniture is roughly the same as the above, and the maintenance of composite furniture does not need to be waxed like wood furniture.

3、 Maintenance of glass furniture

The maintenance of glass furniture in autumn decoration is very simple. In addition to the basic cleaning and maintenance, it is only necessary to add a protective film to the glass furniture. The advantage of this is to prevent cracks in the glass furniture and keep the glass furniture from being damaged.